Migration Story
Digital collage & drawing, 2024. Kwasi Boyd-Bouldin
"Migration Story"
Digital collage & drawing, 2024
Kwasi Boyd-Bouldin
I think about my mother’s personal journey a lot. There is no person on this planet more directly responsible for who I am today than she is. Her ambition and drive to change the circumstances she was born into are literally the only reason I exist at all. Reflecting on her personal history inspired me to create this collage, as a way to document all that she has overcome.
Born in Savannah, Georgia at the height of segregation, my mother had a set of seemingly insurmountable obstacles in her path from day one. Blessed with a desire for knowledge but lacking the means to acquire it, she had to find her own path to the life she dreamed of. This led her to pack up in her early 20’s and move to New York with my four older siblings where she would eventually meet my father. That same drive would compel her to move yet again after I was born, this time to Los Angeles where we settled permanently.